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Tag: Security

10 Ways To Prevent Ransomware

10 Ways To Prevent Ransomware

21sth April 2023

1) Update Your Software Regularly
While updating your computer or smartphone’s operating system can sound scary, doing so regularly is one of the best ways to prevent hackers from installing malware on your device. Software manufacturers regularly release updates designed to patch up security holes that hackers could potentially exploit. So if you’re worried about being hacked, be sure to update any software you use—from operating systems and browser extensions, to email and social media apps.

2) Backup, Backup, Backup!
Whether you use an external hard drive or cloud storage, backing up your computer is essential. If your device gets infected with ransomware and you don’t have a backup, not only will your data be at risk, but you could also lose all of your important information and documents. Backing up is one of many best practices for preventing ransomware from infecting a network. And it’s easy and inexpensive!

3) Patch Your Software and Systems As Soon As Possible
The single best thing you can do to prevent against ransomware is make sure your software and systems are up-to-date. If you’re running an older operating system that doesn’t have many security patches or if you use out-of-date software, install updates as soon as they become available. Even doing so on a semi-regular basis is better than waiting months or years between updates. You’ll also want to pay attention to any security alerts and take action when appropriate.

4) Use Two-Factor Authentication
This is one of the most important steps that you can take to protect your data. Using two-factor authentication adds a layer of security by requiring not only a password, but also some other piece of information, like a phone number or code, before someone can log in. If your data were stolen, thieves wouldn’t be able to access it without both your password and another key.

5) Invest In An Antivirus Solution
It’s common sense, but investing in an antivirus solution is one of your best bets for preventing a malware infection. Even if you do fall victim to ransomware, there are still ways you can recover your files—most notably by backing up your data on an external hard drive (or cloud). If you already have antivirus software installed, be sure it’s updated regularly with new patches and signatures.

6) Train Employees To Be Aware Of Scams
Every employee should be trained on common scams, including phishing and ransomware. Fraud prevention training can help employees know what to look for and how to prevent scams from succeeding. Train your employees about these common email scams and how to avoid them: Phishing scams: Employees need to know that an email asking for sensitive information, such as a password or credit card information, is not real. Phishing emails are designed to look like they come from a reputable source in order trick people into giving up their information.

7) Encrypt Sensitive Data That’s Stored On External Media
Encrypting data before it’s stored on external media like USB drives or SD cards is an important part of any good backup plan. If a bad actor gets their hands on your storage device, your sensitive information can’t be accessed without a key that you control.

8) Encrypt Sensitive Data That’s In Transit Over The Network
Encrypting sensitive data that’s in transit over a network will help protect against man-in-the-middle attacks and other types of interception. If an attacker intercepts your unencrypted data and injects malware or ransomware, he won’t be able to do anything with it unless he has access to your encryption keys. So you need two sets of keys: one that is stored at your end and another set at your end user’s end.

9) Don’t Ignore Suspicious Attachments Or Links In Email
Malicious links are easy to miss. That’s why it’s important to keep an eye out for them. If you see a link that seems suspicious, hover over it before clicking and make sure there’s nothing fishy going on, like phishing or tracking software. Malicious links are easy to miss. That’s why it’s important to keep an eye out for them.

10) Use A Firewall To Block Remote Access To Critical Services
Firewalls are one of your best defenses against ransomware, as they can block attempts by cybercriminals to gain remote access and infect your system or network. One way that firewalls protect you is by setting a rule on your router that denies all traffic from unknown sources.

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Google Advanced Protection Program: A Comprehensive Guide

Google Advanced Protection Program:
A Comprehensive Guide

21st April 2023

Google Advanced Protection Program: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s digital world, data security has become a major concern for individuals and businesses alike. With the rise in cyberattacks, it has become crucial to protect sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands. Google Advanced Protection Program (GAPP) is a robust security feature designed to safeguard users’ Google accounts from cyber threats. In this blog, we will discuss what GAPP is, how it works, and why you should use it in your business.

What is Google Advanced Protection Program?

Google Advanced Protection Program is a security feature designed to provide an extra layer of protection to Google accounts belonging to individuals and businesses that are at high risk of targeted cyber attacks. It offers a comprehensive set of security features that protect user accounts from phishing, hacking, and other malicious activities.

GAPP was initially designed for high-profile individuals such as journalists, activists, and political leaders. However, Google has now extended its availability to all users who require a higher level of security for their Google accounts.

How does Google Advanced Protection Program work?

GAPP works by implementing three key security features that enhance the overall security of a user’s Google account. These are:

  1. Two-factor authentication (2FA) with security keys

GAPP requires users to sign in to their Google accounts using two-factor authentication with a security key. A security key is a physical device that plugs into a USB port or connects wirelessly to a device to authenticate a user’s identity. This provides an extra layer of security compared to other forms of 2FA, such as text messages or verification codes.

  1. Stronger email filtering

GAPP uses Google’s powerful machine learning algorithms to identify and filter out phishing emails and other malicious content. This feature ensures that users only receive genuine emails and alerts them when a suspicious email is detected.

  1. Restriction on third-party apps and services

GAPP restricts third-party apps and services from accessing a user’s Google account without explicit permission. This means that only trusted apps and services can access a user’s Google account, preventing malicious apps from accessing sensitive information.

Why should you use Google Advanced Protection Program in your business?

As a business owner, it is crucial to protect your company’s sensitive information from cyber threats. Google Advanced Protection Program provides an extra layer of security to your Google accounts, ensuring that your data remains secure. Here are some reasons why you should consider using GAPP in your business:

  1. Protection against targeted attacks

If your business deals with sensitive data or is in a high-risk industry, you are more likely to be targeted by cyber attackers. GAPP provides additional security features that protect your Google account from targeted attacks, ensuring that your sensitive information is not compromised.

  1. Enhanced email security

Email is one of the primary ways in which cyber attackers try to gain access to a user’s account. GAPP’s email filtering feature ensures that you only receive genuine emails, preventing phishing attacks from compromising your account.

  1. Increased control over account access

With GAPP, you have complete control over who can access your Google account. You can restrict third-party apps and services from accessing your account without explicit permission, ensuring that only trusted apps can access your data.

  1. Compliance with industry regulations

Many industries require businesses to comply with specific security standards to protect sensitive data. GAPP’s robust security features can help your business comply with industry regulations, ensuring that your data remains secure.

In conclusion, Google Advanced Protection Program is an excellent security feature that provides an additional layer of security to Google accounts belonging to high-risk individuals and businesses. Its robust security features protect users from targeted attacks, enhance email security, increase control over account access, and help businesses comply with industry regulations. By using GAPP in your business, you can ensure that your sensitive information remains secure.

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